The Finance division facilitates the efficient flow of funds within Arion Bank and ensures that the Bank’s liquidity position meets the requirements made by the Board and the regulators at all times. The division raises credit on the domestic and international markets on competitive terms which further enables the Bank to provide services to its customers. Finance is also responsible for market making which provides enhanced liquidity in equities and fixed income on the Icelandic capital market. The division is also responsible for all payments and processing relating to loans, deposits and securities transactions. Finance prepares the Bank’s annual and interim financial statements and provides various reporting to internal and external parties. Finance therefore plays a vital role in assisting the Bank's various units, its subsidiaries and the Bank as a whole to achieve the optimal results for the customers, employees and shareholders. The division, furthermore, is responsible for reporting to the regulators, thus meeting the requirements set out in the Bank's operating licence. It is also the role of Finance to ensure the business is soundly run and to provide a good working environment which helps the employees complete their tasks. Finance is managed by Stefán Pétursson, Chief Financial Officer.

Treasury manages and facilitates the flow of capital effectively between different units of the Bank. The division is the central repository for all funds at the Bank and is responsible for managing customers’ deposits, wholesale funding, foreign exchange and other financial products. The department manages liquidity and maintains a balance in the Bank’s operations in compliance with the Board's risk appetite and regulatory requirements. Treasury raises wholesale funding at favourable terms which makes the Bank more competitive and better enables it to serve its customers. The department is also responsible for market making on the Icelandic equities and fixed income markets and brokers foreign exchange for the Bank's customers.
Accounting is responsible for producing the annual and interim financial statements for the Bank, subsidiaries and companies and funds administered by the Bank and for providing accurate and up-to-date information which contribute to running a better business. Another key task is to develop and maintain trust with the shareholders, the Board, the regulatory authorities and the general public.
Planning and Analysis is responsible for the regular reporting of information to the regulatory authorities, which is one of the conditions for the Bank’s operating licence. Planning and Analysis also supports the decision-making process at Arion Bank by providing the Board and employees with information and data.
Operations and Property manages the Bank’s operating expenses and provides information relevant to operating expenses. The department also actively monitors costs, helping to ensure that the cost-to-income ratio matches targets and promotes greater cost awareness. It also handles procurement management, whose role is to coordinate the Bank's buying in order to reduce expenses. Effective procurement management also strengthens the Bank's relationship with suppliers and ensures the optimum terms of business. Operations is also responsible for managing and investing in the Bank's premises, managing and selling foreclosure assets, and for the Bank’s catering service and a range of other services.
Back Office is responsible for all payments and processing of loans deposits, securities transactions and payment services. Back Office also handles the Bank’s records management. Back Office ensures that all financial instruments are correctly recorded in the Bank’s systems and safeguards compliance with the rules on completing, storing and handling documents. The department also attends to the payment of pensions, liaison with international financial institutions, daily reporting and the development of robotics.